Songara Chauhans belong to the Rajput Chauhan dynasty and draw their lineage
from the second last hindu king of Delhi Rao Shri Prithviraj Chauhan
who occupies lion share in the Indian history. Rao Shri
Kirtipal son of Rao Shri Alhana of Nadol was the founder of Jalore,
he captured Jalore in A.D.1182 from the Samant of its solanki ruler. This Rao
Shri Kritipal whose father Rao Shri Alhana was Nadola Chauhan is the ancestor
of Songara Chauhan clan. Nadola Chauhan Rao Shri Kirtipal established his
Suzerainty on Jalore situated on Songiri- Swarngiri Mountain was called Songara
Chauhan , instead of, Nadola Chauhan.
Rao Shri Samarsinhji Songara of Jalore had male issues Udaysinhji and
Mansinhji, this Mansinhji - a real brother of Udaysinhji Songara had conquered
Abu, Chandravati and Sirohi within very short span. The rulers of Erstwhile
Sirohi and Pali were Songara Chauhans. The present rulers of Sirohi are the
successors of this Mansinhji Songara Chauhan.
Rao Shri Samarsinh father of Udaysinhji and Mansinh is the grandfather of
Chanchingdev. This Chanchingdev had male issues Samantsinh (father of Kandev)
and Raningdev. This way from Kirtipal to Raningdev all are Songara Chauhans,
but, surprisely, Raningdev a real brother of Samantsinh and the son of
Chanchingdev was called “Thakur – Thakore Raningdev ” , why ?
Rao shri SamantSinhji Songara ruler of Jalore due to some political
understanding or Compulsion, old age, constant attacks from DELHI
and with a view to retain the independence of Jalore against the Muslim
invasion during his life time, he placed his son Kanhaddev on the throne of
Jalore.This Songara king Kanhaddev was also known by names (i) NaharDev
(ii)Shiligram (iii) Golaknath & (iv) Krishna (Lord Krishna’s tenth
avtar-incarnation). This Kanhaddev had a brother-Maldev Songara. Songara
king Kanhad dev had two issues, son Viramdev & Kunwar Virmati Bai.
This virmatibai was married with Rao shri Lakhansinhji of Jaisalmer. The
songara king Kanhaddev had four queens namely (I)
God or super entity is believed to be immortal. Thy is not subject to
death as mortal human dies. It can do anything, nothing is impossible for such
super human, it can appear from anywhere at any time, the people loving,
honoring, respecting such super entity are not ready to accept that such person
possessing God’s virtues even can die. Some persons were
believing that this Songara king kanhaddev was tenth Avtar
(incarnation) of Lord Krishna-vishnu . The Lord,
particularly, Lord Krishna how can die ? Thy is not supposed to be died
as mortal human dies and therefore though the brave Songara king
kanhaddev was died in the battle fighting against royal army, it is said
that he was disappeared from the battle field . Perhaps , he might
have taken calculative back foot step for some better preparing and replying
the Royal army in the battle field ,this action of Songara king kanhaddev might
have been taken as his disappearance from the battle.
Rao Shri Kanhaddev & his brave son Viramdev were died in battle fought
against the sultan Ala-ud-Din khilji in year 1311, this battle of Jalore was
terrible. On going through the “ KANHAD-DE-PRABANDH ” it appears that Jalore
resisted the invasion for 3-4 years before it fell , the brave Songara Chauhans
had kept up the tradition. Father Rao shri kanhad dev and brave son viram dev
sacrificed their lives for their country-mother land Jalore , religion, pride
as well as for the honor, respect and protection of the women of mewar and
other parts of our present HINDUSTAN. These
members of royal family had also sacrificed their lives for preventing the
Hindus being converted to Muslims by the sultan khilji and his supporters. At
that time, the massive Islamic take over the Hindus - India was underway.
The sultan khilji and other Muslim rulers had decided to convert entire Hindustan into Islamic world. One may accept or not, but,
this process is continued in one or other way even to-day.
It is said in “Kanhad-De-Prabandh” that FIROZA a daughter-princess
of the sultan Khilji fell in love with Viramdev son of Kanhaddev Songara who
was on attendance at the court of Khilji in place of his father. son Viramdev
defeated PUNJU wrestler in the game. Firoza impressed by the game played and won
by viram dev, she fell in his love. In fact, it was a conspiracy hatched by the
sultan to kill this viram dev songara. The sultan khilji forced viram dev to
marry his daughter Firoza , ultimately, the quarrel picked up and turned
into Jalore battle. khilji was in search of a cause for capturing Jalore and he
did get it in refusal of viram dev to marry his princess Firoza. Firoza was a
princess , she was a daughter of khilji, but , her mother was not one of the
queens-begums of khilji, she was born out from Harem, she was a daughter of
female attendant AASMANI KHAVAS. The prostitutes were too used to keep in harem
and therefore viram dev songara did not think it proper to marry this TURK
GIRL-TARKADI CHHORI and under the pretext of coming with Barat-Jaan-wedding
procession, he left Delhi
for Jalore and met in the battle . The real cause of the invasion with the
sultan khilji was the determination to put an end to the independence of Jalore
as was done with the other states of RAJPUTANA. Jalore was the part of
mewar, the sultan khilji had been long anxious to add mewar to his sultanate
and Jalore was going to be more and more powerful which made khilji
mad-ferocious to attack on it. Khilji had consolidated his authority in Mewar,
Kanhaddev’s semi independent status was construed as contumacy and his country
was invaded.
“EVERY THING IS FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR” – Firoza had put this maxim into service
in its true concept having real meaning thereof. Firoza was not only a glamours
beauty, she was very shrewd politician and intellectual diplomat. She utilised
her beauty as an instrument to get the chief in army Samsukhan who was also a
brother-in-law of the sultan Khilji, Samsukhan’s wife Khuja begum (sister of
sultan), sadal, sahi malik and other worriors of royal army freed from
captivity. All these were war prisoners, Maldev Songara and Viramdev Songara
had made them surrendered in the long drawn war after fall of Sivana. If
these nearest relatives of the sultan would not had been released from the war
custody, the sultan would had been forced to withdraw the siege laid on jalore
or would had been compelled to enter into a political treaty at the unilateral
conditions favourable to the subjects of Jalore and Jalore’s sovereign itself,
but, the rular Viramdev Songara and incharge of army Maldev Songara failed to
read written on the wall, it was time to strike the iron, the royal army was
exhausted in long drawn war, all the circumstances and prevailing situations
were in favourable of Jalore, but, unfortunately, Jalore missed an opportunity.
Firoza utilised her beauty as the opener of the prison lock, all the war
prisoners got released. Firoza not only got release of these war
prisoners, she also obtained rewards- gifts including the elephants which were
snached by the Jalore army from the royal army ( the royal army had captured
these elephants in Somnath – Gujarat War).
Foriza also received an assurance for no sudden attack on royal army i.e. the
jalore’s army would not attack on royal army.
This FIROZA in her second visit of Jalore had come with the arm’ament. She was
a troop member of the women army headed by GULBAHISTA, this
Gulbahista was also a chief security officer of the Sultan’s Harem.
Jalore could not visualize the hidden ar’mour . when the hands of Jalore were
free&up,the legs &heads of DELHI were under the stone, it was not
desirable at all for the rular of Jalore to do all these for the sake of
exellency, nobleness, royalness, broad heartedness and proud. In fact, the
rular of Jalore etc. had been allured by sorceress and hypocrite Firoza.
Returning from Jalore Firoza furnished all the secret informations to the
Sultan at Delhi
which became very important and helpful to the royal army and the
sultan too in the last war in which we lost Kandev and Viramdev both. We can
see , how much she was shrewd ? After sacrifice of these brave Kings Kanhad dev
Songara and Viramdev Songara, Maldev Songara a real brother of Kandev, who was
chief in charge of Jalore army was appointed as the governor of
Chittod at the instance of this Firoza, she spared no prominent Songara
Chauhan to look after Jalore !!! Firoza’s first visit of Jalore started it
downfall and in her second visit Jalore lost every thing. Firoza had played a
pivot role in degradation of Jalore, in remembrance of this remarkable venture
in the period during which Jalore remained under domains of invaders her
monument was built up on Swarangiri – Jalore, it exists as “ FIROZA KI
CHHATRI”. In the battle of Jalore, lastly, the Sultan khilji sent a strong
force under the commandment of kamaluddin Garg, with the help of some ambitious
local persons the task of kamaluddin became easy, songara king kanhad dev, his
son viramdev and their army men were killed in a close combat and the fort was
captured. It was fall of songara chauhans . Jalore ,Bhinmal and sanchor were
kept under the dominance of Muslims.
After sacrifice of kanhaddev songara and viramdev songara, khilji conquered
Jalore , it became the part of sultanate –empire of Delhi
till India became
independent .Ofcourse, for some period Jalore was restored to Mewar ,but , the
Muslin rulers continued their dominance on it till 1947, when India became independent sovereign.
After sacrifice of Rao shri KANHADE SONGARA and VIRAMDE SONGARA, their Pedigree
does not come to an end nor ceases. In the last war MALDEV SONGARA a brother of
KANHADE SONGARA was servived , he was appointed as the governor of
Chittod. JESO SONGARA son of this MALDEV had forced the sultan to
part with sambhar.
At the time of last war the queen MEGALDEVIof viramdev songara was at her
parental home at siyalcot with a minor son AMBRAJ. This Ambraj Viramdev
songara is the grand father of Rao shri AKHERAJ(I) who got written famous epic
PRABANDH” . Rao shri Akeraj songara is the son of Rao shri Khetsinhji songara.
was believing himself as Alexander II and was trying to establish the same.
This khilji did get prepared the coins of his name and described him as
Alexander II on the coins. The great Alexander once upon a time had decided to
be the empire of entire universe and accordingly he entered in to India, but, the
brave Hindu king porus forced this Alexander to return and during return
journey he was murdered. Khilji also made with the same fate i.e he died
unnatural death in January 1316.
It also requires to remember that Lohani Nawabs of Palanpur claim that their
ancestor who was a minister of parihar ruler had captured Jalore from him, but,
the claim of Palanpur Nawabs has no historical support , however they are
trying to keep-up their heads.
Jain Muni Gyan sundarji says in his “RATANPURIYA GACHH” that songara chauhan
Ratansinh had established a new kingdom of his own name “ RATANPAR NAGAR"
in vikram samvat year 1082 [ Perhaps this Ratanparnagar may be a village
of sanchor Taluka of Jalore district, State of Rajasthan. This Ratanpar village of Sanchor Taluka
is not far away from Jalore]. The direct discendent of songara chauhan king
Ratansinh accepted Jainism. These discendent and his family members were called
“RATANPURA”. The are ten branches/sub gotras of Ratanpura,they are Songara,
Ramsena, Katariya, Bohra and others on the names of persons of Ratanpura
It is useful to note here that there is an ancient village namely “RAMSIN” near
Jalore.The Songara chuhans habitants of this Ramsin village are called
“RAMSENA”. Songara chauhans of “RAMSAN” village
of Banaskantha district ,state of Gujarat are also called “RAMSENA” after the name of this
village Ramsan and therefore the say of Muni Gyan sundarji in regard to
acceptance of Jainism by the descendent of songara king Ratansinh seems not to
be correct /true. Ramsena,Songara chauhans and katariya all these are
kshatriyas , no Songara chauhan or Ramsena is a Jain.
It is painful to say that prior to independence, not only the Muslims invaders
had tried to put an end to the “ HINDU INDIA-BHARAT VARSH ”, but , during years
1143 to 1172 , a Hindu- chalukya king kumarpal who adopting Jainism became jain
under impression of famous HEMCHANDRACHARYA had also destroyed so many Hindu
temples and the destroyed hindu temples were converted to jain temples. It is
the misfortune of Jalore that the ruler of sambhar vigrahraj chauhan had too
put Jalore badly on fire. Jalore was so badly burnt in that fire as it was
destroyed completely.
These Kanhaddev and viramdev had left behind them glorified memories,they are
very popular amongst all rulers of Rajputana region, these members of royal
family are well sung heroes of folk songs being sung in entire Rajsthan as well
as some parts of Gujarat, it is the matter of pride for songara chauhans that
one of their ancestors was Kanhaddev songara.